3. Successful architectures are proprietary, but open. Closed architectures do not win broad franchises. Choosing the right degree or openness is one or the most subtle and difficult decisions in architectural contests. IBM opened its PC architecture too broadly - it should have, and could have, retamed control of either or both the operating system and microprocessor standard. Apple made the opposite mistake of bundling the Mac operating system too closely to its own hardware. Sun, in contrast to Apple, opened its SPARC RISC architecture very early, both to software developers and pro- cessor cloners; it has the lead position in workstations, and its broad base of third-party software support has helped maintain customer loyalty though a series of technical stumbles. Autodesk's computer-aided design (CAD) software for builders is open to add-on third-party packages, like kitchen design tools, and its broad base of supporting software has given it control of a small but very profitable franchise.
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