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"The first example would be the standard magazine printed in digest format with multiple stories. The next step was the use of full length novel with some old material, such as editorials, reviews and letters to the editor. This becomes less as more space is needed by larger novels. You then evolve to Galaxy Science Fiction Novel model which no longer pretends at other elements of a magazine, but retains the digest size and softcover, not heavy paper front page usually with the staple crimped front to back as opposed to the more usual Magazine center fold staple style. The paperback was current I believe before WWII and was liked by those who could tuck into a small space and not destroy it. It was used by many American troops, and maybe not at all by the British. There are even examples of stories even reduced further than we see today. The digest style was used more in Britain, Europe and American cities where the newstands could readily display them. The size has a certain advantage in that it was harder to steal and hide."
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Should we have a standard for how large uploaded cover scans should be? The copyright and fair use law do not specify absolute pixel or percentage sizes. Amazon.com uses no more than 500 pixels but I have no idea if this has been tested in a court as valid for an across the board standard. It'll be easy to add a notice about the size as that can be done on MediaWiki:Uploadtext. 2ff7e9595c